A Message to the Truckers Freedom Convey
You don’t know it yet, but you’ve already lost
Stop if you’ve heard this one before, so there is this guy who thinks he’s smart and he has something to say. He goes out in front of the crowd and starts speaking truth to power and… well you already know the rest, I mean Benjamin Dichter isn’t a dumb guy (this message was supposedly crafted by the we in the Freedom Convoy, but since this draft committee is so vague I will use Dichter as the representative). Notice his arguments against COVID mandates doesn’t rely on data or science, nor does he get overly emotive. He knows this is a frame game and wants to look rational. His argument is one of moderation: the Truckers are harmless and the positions held by the Truckers are held by the majority of Canadian citizens.
The message starts and ends with a statement praising: peace, love, and unity. Dichter wants to show everyone that he is fundamentally on the side of progressive and universalism. When describing the origin of protestors he specifies that some of them come from indigenous communities. Why? To show that his movement isn’t a threat to the established political order. He agrees with them on all the big stuff and just wants one tiny concession this one time. Ditcher says the truckers will not pose any threat to elected officials and that elections are the only valid method of changing policy, and begs the media to please cover this fairly and not be so divisive.
Do you get the joke yet? Dichter thinks the world is fair; he thinks the current system is functional that it just needs a little change in personal. Listen to the absurdity of demands. An unbiased media? When has that ever existed? The yellow journalism era? The 24/7 news era? Dichter thinks he can refer to the Canadian Charter of Rights as some supreme authority like when Americans refer the Constitution. Both of these are pieces of paper with no higher power to enforce them. You are entirely relying on the government to self regulate. “We’ll just vote someone in next time who will respect our rights!” Good luck with that when who you can even vote for is already controlled by party politics, SPACs, and media propaganda.
While Ditcher is concerned about COVID mandates effecting his freedom, emergency powers have already been evoked. While Ditcher is concerned about a COVID related government tracking app, he is already carrying around a GPS tracker propaganda machine in his pocket. While Ditcher is appealing to moderation and Canadian politeness, his movement has already been framed as neo-nazi terrorists. Ditcher thinks truckers causing a nuisance will push the government to reconsider it’s mandates, while Trudeau is freezing all of their bank accounts.
Ditcher, the truckers, and all the others who support them still buy the propaganda of the free and open society. He thinks that by simply putting a message out on Youtube everyone will see how reasonable he is and that the media is lying. The media already lied. The second the first trucker honked his horn the media was on the scene to frame the incident. Long before any official statement could be given every political pendent, large and small, has already told people what the Freedom Convoy is about.
This message goes out to Ditcher, the truckers, COVID protesters, modern conservatives, anti-”woke” activists, and anyone else who supports these clowns, you are too slow. You are using political strategies built decades prior, pre instant digital news. You are using political strategies built on having friends in high places when all of them will sell you out. You are using political strategies taught you by the system itself. You’ve been set up. You’ve already lost. They’re coming to make an example out of you and you don’t even have your shoe laces tied. Think Fast!